Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My Money is NO Good There!

Hey! Do you want some money? The money would, of course, be for the use of your services. In Fact you’ve bombarded me with so many mailers, I have decided to seek out your service. Isn’t it great that all the money you spent on advertising is working! Wait, what do you mean I now have to beg you to take my money?
Is customer service a dying art? Why does it seem like people are completely clueless when it comes to keeping a customer happy, or at very least put on a show for a potential new customer.
I decided to take my poor customer service issue to social media. I usually let issues roll off my back, but I decided to post the experience to Facebook and tweet a simple disappointment on twitter. It was an interesting community that I instantly was part of. My Facebook friends shared similar stories, creating a camaraderie regarding the issue at hand. I felt like I wasn’t alone, there were others who shared in my terrible experience. It wasn’t just that I had an off day or the company had an off day, they are just an off company in general.

When I made my simple tweet on twitter, two things happened. First, a company called GripeO instantly retweeted letting me know that their company can be my representative with the issue or they could suggest successful similar companies. What a successful way to make your business known. The second thing that happened was I was added to a group of people who have had similar issues- I think?

I do not expect to change the practices of the company, but I do hope I can warn others of the drama I experienced. Having the camaraderie of people who have been where I had, was very grounding.


  1. Hi Samantha, it is amazing how the power of social media can alter image of one company in literally one night, right? This customer service should improve their service if they don't want to be bullied online. I have done similar things, complaining about services on my personal accounts, and you're right! Getting replies, retweet, or repost really made you feel that you are not alone and you feel somehow useful for sharing information that could prevent others from having the same experience.

  2. I just wrote a lengthy comment and lost it all!!!!

    1. bsg5857, One of the most frustrating things is when you lose your work! I know how annoyed you much be right now- hopefully you are able to collect your thoughts and say what you wanted to.
